Woman Wedding Special
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Victoria Ainedter and her dream factory VICTORYA'S FABULOUS MOMENTS makes your high-end fairy tale-wedding possible.
Wedding planner who offer their services are ten a penny, but very few can offer the high class know how, the very best connections and the unmistakable flair which characterize and distinquish Victoria Ainedter. All these attributes add up to make the most wonderful day of your life, a dream come true and a memory to keep forever. The secret of her success is her great abilty to adapt her very special ideas to your wishes, her love of detail and her deep understanding of different cultures and their special wishes.
Victoria Ainedter has worked for over eight years as a journalist in fashion and lifestyle and has lived in many cities throughout the world - Athens, Milan, Barcelona, Istanbul London, Hamburg, New York and Bangkok, to name but a few. She is also an expert in tourism and a wine and cheese sommerliere . This combination makes it possibe for her to organize your dream wedding day with the greatest of ease.
»In addition to maintaining best contacts, the management of every little detail is her biggest asset.«
Victoria offers, apart from perfect planning, personal assistance, commitment and above all, individual concepts which garantee a high-end quality and a pure luxury wedding.
A breath taking proposal under water? In an exclusive mountain chalet with romantic atmosphere - open fire burning with the flames of love - or high above the ground in a hot air balloon? Not a problem for VICTORYA'S FABULOUS MOMENTS.
Victoria Ainedter is proud of her 100% YES success rate.
„75% of women are disappointed with their marriage proposal story.
Together we make your special moment unique.“
- Victoria Ainedter
Taborstrasse 24A
1020 Wien
Looking forward hearing from you.
+43 (0)676 730 80 14
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Taborstrasse 24A
1020 Wien
+43 (0)676 730 80 14
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Fotos: marryandme.at, Stephan Rauch Wedding Photo
Webentwicklung: JohnRoss Group
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